Game info
Type : Download
Arcade, Tycoon, Food, Casual
Release Date:
Rental Price:
System Requirements
Processor: Pentium - 500MHz or better
RAM: 128MB
DirectX Version: 7.0 or above
Keyboard and Mouse: Supported
Operating System: Windows XP or Vista
Download Size: 6 MB
Type : Download
Category : PC Games, Popular, Skill, Strategy
Game Developer/Publisher:PopCap
Arcade, Tycoon, Food, Casual
Release Date:
Rental Price:
System Requirements
Processor: Pentium - 500MHz or better
RAM: 128MB
DirectX Version: 7.0 or above
Keyboard and Mouse: Supported
Operating System: Windows XP or Vista
Download Size: 6 MB
There are 3 different modes in this game. First is Speed Mode move pizzas to shops as fast as you can. This mode didn’t get even remotely difficult. Even after 30 minutes of play, it was trivial and tedious. One nice touch: after each round in Speed Mode, a blimp floats by that drops money bags, which you click to collect. Unlike Speed Mode, in Memory Mode you only get to see people’s orders for a few seconds. Then they turn to “?” icons. You have to remember what they ordered. This mode can be moderately stressful at later levels. And last is Simon Says Mode where the differences is send the pizza in the order that the customers requested the pizzas. Like Memory Mode, this mode can be moderately stressful at later levels.
The objective of Pizza Frenzy is to quickly deliver the correct pizzas to customers. The game levels take place in a number of different locations, with each location having a unique topography, including two or more pizza kitchens. Each of these kitchens is responsible for producing and delivering pizzas with a specific topping. During gameplay, customers will appear with an icon representing a specific pizza topping they are calling to order. This icon must be clicked, and the player must then click the correct pizza kitchen in order to dispatch the needed pizza to the customer. If players take too long, or try to deliver the wrong pizza, the customer hangs up the phone, causing a decrease in overall customer satisfaction. If customer satisfaction dips low enough, the game ends.
Before every level starts, the player picks which pizza toppings will be available for order on that level. The number of kitchens varies by level, but ranges from two to four. The actual topping selected for a kitchen has no impact on the game, with the caveat that higher level toppings earn more money.
After a certain number of levels are completed, the player earns or unlocks an additional topping of his or her choice. The new toppings from which the player can choose include both standard toppings (e.g. olives or mushrooms), as well as items not normally associated with pizza (e.g. donuts, chocolate or french fries).
After the initial game levels, some percentage of the callers placing orders are actually criminals intent on hurting the pizza business. These include vandals, prank callers, and thieves. If players mistakenly take an order from such an individual, profits will be lost or the player's reputation will suffer. Instead, players must click on a police station when such a caller is observed, causing the police to arrest the individual and to provide a monetary reward. Although it can be difficult to spot criminals amidst the fast-paced flurry of mouse clicks, their presence is often alerted by a specific auditory cue.
Help the Stromboli family pass the pizzas in this tasty treat! Match incoming orders with the right kitchen to deliver fresh pizzas on time to happy customers. Work fast or you'll miss orders ... miss too many and you'll be out of business!
The objective of Pizza Frenzy is to quickly deliver the correct pizzas to customers. The game levels take place in a number of different locations, with each location having a unique topography, including two or more pizza kitchens. Each of these kitchens is responsible for producing and delivering pizzas with a specific topping. During gameplay, customers will appear with an icon representing a specific pizza topping they are calling to order. This icon must be clicked, and the player must then click the correct pizza kitchen in order to dispatch the needed pizza to the customer. If players take too long, or try to deliver the wrong pizza, the customer hangs up the phone, causing a decrease in overall customer satisfaction. If customer satisfaction dips low enough, the game ends.
Before every level starts, the player picks which pizza toppings will be available for order on that level. The number of kitchens varies by level, but ranges from two to four. The actual topping selected for a kitchen has no impact on the game, with the caveat that higher level toppings earn more money.
After a certain number of levels are completed, the player earns or unlocks an additional topping of his or her choice. The new toppings from which the player can choose include both standard toppings (e.g. olives or mushrooms), as well as items not normally associated with pizza (e.g. donuts, chocolate or french fries).
After the initial game levels, some percentage of the callers placing orders are actually criminals intent on hurting the pizza business. These include vandals, prank callers, and thieves. If players mistakenly take an order from such an individual, profits will be lost or the player's reputation will suffer. Instead, players must click on a police station when such a caller is observed, causing the police to arrest the individual and to provide a monetary reward. Although it can be difficult to spot criminals amidst the fast-paced flurry of mouse clicks, their presence is often alerted by a specific auditory cue.
Help the Stromboli family pass the pizzas in this tasty treat! Match incoming orders with the right kitchen to deliver fresh pizzas on time to happy customers. Work fast or you'll miss orders ... miss too many and you'll be out of business!
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